
Yoga has great potential to influence the state of our minds and bodies in many positive ways. We need this at most times but especially during pregnancy. Carrying a child brings on so many rapid changes, in our bodies and minds, in our feelings and understanding of ourselves and the world, that sometimes we feel disempowered and overwhelmed. Yoga is the perfect tool to bring us back to ourselves, to the feeling we are in control, we’ve got this!

It is a gentle practice aiming to facilitate the changes and to prepare us for giving birth that most people can do. Still there are some things that you have to bear in mind when you start practicing during pregnancy, regardless of your experience with yoga:

Eat before practice

In contrast to regular yoga where we are usually advised not to eat for at least 2 hours before practicing, it is better to have something small like a banana, dried fruits or nuts before doing pregnancy yoga. This will keep your energy levels up and will prevent nausea.

Share how you feel today

Please, feel free to tell me if you don’t feel great today. I would like to know if you feel any kind of pain or if you just feel tired and anything in between. In this way I can offer you a session that will address those issues and will be nurturing your needs.

Rest during yoga

If you feel like lying down or taking a rest, you are more than welcome to do so at any time.

Stop when something doesn’t feel right

Be conscious of how your body feels. You can skip any posture or movement that doesn’t feel right. Please, let me know about any unpleasant sensations and I will offer modifications.

Remember relaxin

Relaxin is the hormone that softens the connective tissue during pregnancy in preparation for birth. Yoga is most widely known as a stretching and bending practice but in pregnancy yoga we would like to make sure that we do not overstretch and cause instability in the joints.

Breathe freely and fully

Breathing during pregnancy is sometimes difficult. Be conscious of your breath and follow it, even if that means that you are not following my suggestions when to inhale or exhale. Avoid holding the breath and any vigorous pumping breaths. Learn how to exhale completely.

Lying down

Avoid lying on your back (after 28-30 weeks) for too long. As a general guide you may want to lie on your side. Resting on the front should naturally be abandoned much earlier.

Leave space for the baby

Avoid pressure on your stomach, give your baby room and space to grow and move. In forward bends allow plenty of space for your bump and keep your legs apart to make room for your growing baby. Enjoy chest opening practices to promote easy breath.

Other things to avoid

Backbends, deep twists, inversions, jumping, deep unsupported squats in third trimester.

Keep moving

Let your body move to avoid any discomfort some static postures may bring. Move slowly and gently.

Read more about the benefits of pregnancy yoga here.

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