The following excerpts are from a John Gray book called Venus on fire, Mars on ice. Like his previous book this one focuses on the differences between men and women and how understanding these can improve our relationships. This time, …

Love Hormone Hacks: Can Oxytocin Help Unlock Your Fertility?

What is the difference between Thai massage and Thai yoga massage?
Many people come for massage with me and tell me ‘I’ve had a Thai massage before but I haven’t had Thai yoga massage’. So what is the difference? The answer: None. Thai massage, Thai yoga massage, traditional Thai massage, Thai …

6 ways Thai yoga massage can help you
Thai massage is a truly holistic style of bodywork. I once heard someone saying that getting a Thai massage is like going to your massage therapist, then your chiropractor, then your acupuncturist and then to a yoga class, all in …

Talking during a massage session
Are you wondering if you need to be talking during your massage session? Do you feel you need to say something to your therapist to fill in the silence? Thai Yoga Massage is a meditative practice that does not usually …