“I didn’t realise I was carrying so much tension! Why an I so tense?” This is a common phrase I hear in my practice. Oftentimes, a client will come in for a massage, and when I work on their legs, …

Why am I so tense?

Bodies in emergency: How does stress affect your fertility
I am reading a book called Why zebras don’t get ulcers by Robert M. Sapolsky which is all about stress and our health and I find it fascinating. There is so much in the book that I highly recommend you read all of …

How have you nourished yourself today? Musings after a holiday
How have you nourished yourself today? How do your body and mind feel? What do they need?What would bring in energy and focus for you to do all of the things that you need to do for your job, for …

The stress-pain connection – understanding our beautiful bodies
Leon Chaitow explains the stress-pain connection in his book How to overcome pain. “Stress affects both the body and the mind. Stress is the body’s reaction to a change – the stressor -that requires any physical, mental or emotional adjustment …

Stress can lead to heart attacks and stroke
Stress can lead to heart attacks and stroke, shows a 2017 research published in The Lancet. Chronic stress can be as bad for the health of your heart as smoking, obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes. Despite the fact that …

Yoga’s take on stress – the art of slowing down
I want to look into yoga’s take on stress today. Can yoga be used as stress relief and how does it work? We all know all too well what stress is. It can have many faces and names – irritation, …