Moving slowly is an effective tool to help change perception, motor control, and threat associated with movement. Here are six reasons to go slow: 1. It’s much better to go slowly if you want to move with deliberate intention and …

Celebrating slow movement in a fast paced world

Tight Versus Weak Pelvic Floor: Understanding the Similarities and Differences
If you are struggling to understand the differences between having a tight versus weak pelvic floor, you are not alone. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that can’t be seen, lie deep in our bodies and most people …

Feet and Legs: The Foundation of Good Posture
Often overlooked, our feet and legs are the foundation of good posture. The play a critical role and directly impact how we stand, walk, and move throughout the day. Here’s why strong, healthy feet and legs are essential for good …

New Yoga for Posture Improvement course: From the Ground Up
The new Yoga for posture improvement course focuses on building a strong foundation for your entire body by starting from the ground up. We’ll focus on feet and ankles, legs, hips and core muscles. Through a series of gentle movement …

The Transverse Abdominis: Your Secret Weapon For A Strong, Stable Core
Here is a shocking truth: you may boast a lovely “six pack” but that doesn’t mean you are strong! Your secret weapon for a strong and stable core cannot be exhibited on the beach. When it comes to abdominal muscles, …

Sitting all day? This 5 minute movement snack can help
Are you sitting all day? Well, you are hardly alone. According to the NHS, many adults in the UK spend around 9 hours a day sitting. This includes watching TV, using a computer, reading, doing homework, travelling by car, bus …

Stand up straight or what is a good posture
We are used to thinking that good posture means standing up straight with our shoulders pulled back. You might have heard that from your parents or you might have even had someone stand behind you pulling your shoulders back to …

Do you need a reason to lie down? Here are two
Do you get up in the morning and just keep going until it is time for bed? Can you allow yourself to lie down even for several minutes during the day? Do you need a reason to lie down? Here …

Yoga for posture improvement: The 7 steps to better posture
Upcoming course – Yoga for posture improvement: The 7 steps to better posture Your posture not only affects how you look. It also affects your overall wellbeing. And even possibly how long you live. Improving posture isn’t something you can …

New course – Yoga for posture improvement: Dump the slump
New course Yoga for posture improvement: Dump the slump starts on April 18th Many people have tension and pain in the shoulder and the neck because of collapsed posture. The chest drops down, the shoulders fall forward, the head comes …