Leon Chaitow explains the stress-pain connection in his book How to overcome pain. “Stress affects both the body and the mind. Stress is the body’s reaction to a change – the stressor -that requires any physical, mental or emotional adjustment …

The stress-pain connection – understanding our beautiful bodies

The pain gate mechanism: Massage’s role in overcoming pain
I am reading Leon Chaitow’s book How to overcome pain and I found an explanation of massage’s role in what he calls “shutting the pain gate” mechanism. “Touching, rubbing or pressing an area of the body transmits sensations toward the …

Now We Know – Posture Affects Your Overall Health
Does your posture affect your overall health? We know very well that people with good posture look beautiful but are they also healthier, do they live longer? Let’s look at what scientists have to say about it. “Good posture not …

The day I saw myself in the mirror
That was the day I saw myself in the mirror windows of the Shard. It was early morning. The sky was clear, the streets were busy. My reflection was in a hurry and it was heavily leaning forward. My shoulders …

Why does it hurt – a simple explanation of chronic pain
Most of us have experienced this – persistent pain that different specialists can’t easily explain. They give us opposing diagnoses and ultimately do not know how to help us. Then they hurriedly prescribe painkillers or intrusive interventions that only make …