I saw a great TED talk and it’s about death. I am posting it below, watch it! It is truly amazing and also funny. It has stayed with me for several days now, I am still thinking about it. Alua …

Eat The Cake: A Yogic Perspective On Death

EDCs: The Hidden Threat To Your Fertility
What are EDCs and why are they a hidden threat to your fertility? EDC is an abbreviation for Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals. These are chemicals, man-made or natural, that can interfere with our body’s hormones. And we all know hormones are …

Why am I so tense?
“I didn’t realise I was carrying so much tension! Why an I so tense?” This is a common phrase I hear in my practice. Oftentimes, a client will come in for a massage, and when I work on their legs, …

What is Parasitic Tension and How to Start Getting Rid of It
What is Parasitic Tension? The term comes from the Feldenkrais Method, which is a movement awareness practice. Parasitic tension refers to the extra muscle tensing that happens beyond what’s needed for a specific movement. Imagine you’re reaching for a glass …

How would you live your day if
How would you live your day if it was your last?And I don’t mean what would you do, like, would you reach for the bucket list in the bottom drawer or go to bed and pull the blanket over your …

About Clarity and Confusion: My Decade of Being Lost
I have been living in countries that are foreign to me for more than 10 years now. I call this my decade of being lost and it taught me a lot about clarity and confusion. Three of these years I …

The story my knees have to tell
My knees have a story to tell. They have always been a little funny. As early as my twenties I used to go hiking a lot and it was always my knees that I felt the most. They felt vulnerable and unstable, especially when …

Do you waste time?
I remember that one morning when I saw I wasted no time very clearly. It was almost aeons ago. The alarm woke me up as usual at 5.30 in the morning. I was out of the front door in half …

Back to Basics: Why Yoga’s Simplest Elements Are Its Most Powerful
We’ve all seen it on social media: impossibly bendy yogis twist into pretzel shapes and defy gravity. But amidst the awe-inspiring backbends and handstands, a crucial aspect of yoga can sometimes get lost: inner exploration. The true magic of yoga unfolds …

Fill Your Cup First: Why Self-Care Isn’t Selfish
In our busy lives, it’s easy to fall into the trap of putting ourselves last. We prioritise work deadlines, family obligations, and social commitments, often leaving our own needs on the back burner. But what if it turns out that …