Moving slowly is an effective tool to help change perception, motor control, and threat associated with movement. Here are six reasons to go slow: 1. It’s much better to go slowly if you want to move with deliberate intention and …

Celebrating slow movement in a fast paced world

What is Parasitic Tension and How to Start Getting Rid of It
What is Parasitic Tension? The term comes from the Feldenkrais Method, which is a movement awareness practice. Parasitic tension refers to the extra muscle tensing that happens beyond what’s needed for a specific movement. Imagine you’re reaching for a glass …

Fascia: The Key to Changing Your Body and Mind
Fascia – the network of connective tissue that envelops every muscle, bone, nerve, and organ, has long been overlooked in the world of health and wellness. However, research in the past several decades has shed light on its crucial role …

The story my knees have to tell
My knees have a story to tell. They have always been a little funny. As early as my twenties I used to go hiking a lot and it was always my knees that I felt the most. They felt vulnerable and unstable, especially when …

Stress Less, Sleep Better, Feel Empowered: The Powerful Impact of Yoga on Menopause Symptoms
Menopause is a natural transition for all women. Nevertheless, it often brings a whirlwind of physical and emotional changes. But did you know stress can take this rollercoaster adventure and crank it up to eleven and that yoga has all …

4 ways of sitting that may affect your feet
Our feet are amazing! Each one of them is made up of 26 bones, 30 joints and more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments. Can you believe it? It’s no wonder they are so complicated though. Our feet provide us with essential support, …

Stand up straight or what is a good posture
We are used to thinking that good posture means standing up straight with our shoulders pulled back. You might have heard that from your parents or you might have even had someone stand behind you pulling your shoulders back to …

Keeping your spine healthy: what triggers degenerative disc disease
What is degenerative disc disease The spine is made up of 33 vertebrae. Between each pair of vertebrae there is a fibrous disc with a softer cartilage core. In a healthy spine, these discs cushion and allow the vertebrae to …

The stress-pain connection – understanding our beautiful bodies
Leon Chaitow explains the stress-pain connection in his book How to overcome pain. “Stress affects both the body and the mind. Stress is the body’s reaction to a change – the stressor -that requires any physical, mental or emotional adjustment …

Why we need better posture: Having a rounded back carries similar risks as osteoporosis
Why we need better posture? We all know that having a rounded back doesn’t look good on anybody. However, we are much less aware that having a good posture is not only about the way we look. Our posture affects …