As we age, our bodies naturally lose muscle tone. This is especially true for the pelvic floor, the group of muscles supporting our bladder, bowels, and reproductive organs. When we move during our day, we don’t usually pay much attention …

Yoga For the Pelvic Floor: Beyond the Tighten and Hold Myth

Are You Balancing Well: How Yoga Can Help You Remain Steady As You Age
Balance is our ability to maintain a stable position. It is one of the essential physical skills that we need to have as we age. So are you balancing well? We are keeping balance all the time. Walking is a …

Nothing compares to a stony strip
I am sitting on a sandy beach but there is a wide strip of stones between me and the sea. My feet complain every time I go in and out of the water. I am trying to make myself lighter …

The story my knees have to tell
My knees have a story to tell. They have always been a little funny. As early as my twenties I used to go hiking a lot and it was always my knees that I felt the most. They felt vulnerable and unstable, especially when …

Building Your Bank of Independence: Why Functional Capacity Matters
What is functional capacity? Functional capacity refers to your ability to perform everyday activities safely and independently. It encompasses a range of physical abilities such as: In addition to these physical abilities, functional capacity can also be influenced by cognitive …

Yoga for Active Ageing: 5 Reasons to Start Today
Do you want to age and stay active, capable and joyful for the longest possible time? Then you better start making steps towards that goal now! Your age doesn’t matter. The sooner you start, the easier it will be. But …

Tight Versus Weak Pelvic Floor: Understanding the Similarities and Differences
If you are struggling to understand the differences between having a tight versus weak pelvic floor, you are not alone. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that can’t be seen, lie deep in our bodies and most people …

Feet and Legs: The Foundation of Good Posture
Often overlooked, our feet and legs are the foundation of good posture. The play a critical role and directly impact how we stand, walk, and move throughout the day. Here’s why strong, healthy feet and legs are essential for good …

Incontinence: It’s More Common Than You Think
Incontinence: Understanding a Common Issue Incontinence, the involuntary loss of urine or stool, is a surprisingly common issue affecting millions of people worldwide. While often associated with ageing, it can occur at any stage of life and for various reasons. …

Stress Less, Sleep Better, Feel Empowered: The Powerful Impact of Yoga on Menopause Symptoms
Menopause is a natural transition for all women. Nevertheless, it often brings a whirlwind of physical and emotional changes. But did you know stress can take this rollercoaster adventure and crank it up to eleven and that yoga has all …