There are three major ways in which sitting for a long time is bad for you, says Daniel Lieberman in his book Exercised. He is a professor in the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University. He studies how …

Three ways sitting for long is bad for you

Yoga and Thai Massage: A Match Made in Heaven
I have been practicing yoga and Thai massage for years now. And I can definitely say that both offer a wealth of benefits for our physical and mental well-being. And they have a lot in common. That’s not a big …

How Yoga Helps Us Move in a More Coordinated Way
I have been teaching yoga for balance in both my online and in-person yoga classes for the last almost two months. During that time we looked at the different elements that help us keep our balance. Naturally, we focused on …

Don’t Put Up With It: Having a Better Period is Possible
Many women experience period problems, from painful cramps to irregular cycles. I myself used to think that the 7-day-long heavy period i have had since adolescence was just the bad luck card I was dealt in this life. Just try …

Tight Versus Weak Pelvic Floor: Understanding the Similarities and Differences
If you are struggling to understand the differences between having a tight versus weak pelvic floor, you are not alone. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that can’t be seen, lie deep in our bodies and most people …

Incontinence: It’s More Common Than You Think
Incontinence: Understanding a Common Issue Incontinence, the involuntary loss of urine or stool, is a surprisingly common issue affecting millions of people worldwide. While often associated with ageing, it can occur at any stage of life and for various reasons. …

Stress Less, Sleep Better, Feel Empowered: The Powerful Impact of Yoga on Menopause Symptoms
Menopause is a natural transition for all women. Nevertheless, it often brings a whirlwind of physical and emotional changes. But did you know stress can take this rollercoaster adventure and crank it up to eleven and that yoga has all …

The Transverse Abdominis: Your Secret Weapon For A Strong, Stable Core
Here is a shocking truth: you may boast a lovely “six pack” but that doesn’t mean you are strong! Your secret weapon for a strong and stable core cannot be exhibited on the beach. When it comes to abdominal muscles, …

4 ways of sitting that may affect your feet
Our feet are amazing! Each one of them is made up of 26 bones, 30 joints and more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments. Can you believe it? It’s no wonder they are so complicated though. Our feet provide us with essential support, …

One surprising reason for fertility issues
Did you know that not having enough fat and doing enormous amounts of exercise could be contributing to your fertility issues?