There are three major ways in which sitting for a long time is bad for you, says Daniel Lieberman in his book Exercised. He is a professor in the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University. He studies how …

Three ways sitting for long is bad for you

Eat The Cake: A Yogic Perspective On Death
I saw a great TED talk and it’s about death. I am posting it below, watch it! It is truly amazing and also funny. It has stayed with me for several days now, I am still thinking about it. Alua …

Yoga and Thai Massage: A Match Made in Heaven
I have been practicing yoga and Thai massage for years now. And I can definitely say that both offer a wealth of benefits for our physical and mental well-being. And they have a lot in common. That’s not a big …

Personalised: Why Private Fertility Yoga Might Be Better For You
Private fertility yoga sessions can offer several advantages over group classes: Practise tailored to your needs and monthly cycle: If you have any specific concerns or challenges related to fertility, such as stress, anxiety, or hormonal imbalances, a private session …

EDCs: The Hidden Threat To Your Fertility
What are EDCs and why are they a hidden threat to your fertility? EDC is an abbreviation for Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals. These are chemicals, man-made or natural, that can interfere with our body’s hormones. And we all know hormones are …

Is Thai massage painful?
In the years I have been practicing Thai massage I have met all kinds of beliefs about it. One of them is that in Thai massage treatment you will always get somebody walk on your back. That your body will …

Yoga for the health of the reproductive system
The reproductive system is a complex system of organs. In females, it includes the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, and vagina. It’s obvious that the health of the reproductive system is crucial for fertility and far less so how we …

Yoga For the Pelvic Floor: Beyond the Tighten and Hold Myth
As we age, our bodies naturally lose muscle tone. This is especially true for the pelvic floor, the group of muscles supporting our bladder, bowels, and reproductive organs. When we move during our day, we don’t usually pay much attention …

Why sign up for a yoga class if there’s so much free yoga online?
Why sign up for a yoga class if there’s so much free yoga online? I think this is a valid question considering the amount of video content out there. You can find a class of any type of yoga, any …

What is Thai yoga massage
So what is Thai yoga massage? If you’ve never had one, you might be wondering what to expect and how it is different from the most popular Western types of treatments. So here are 3 important differences. Thai yoga massage …